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Concluding a lifetime contract in 'Charon' House of Funeral Services

High-quality and fast solution of any ritual issues around the clock without intermediaries! Advantages of concluding a lifetime contract in 'Charon' House of Funeral Services

'Charon' House of Ritual Services

High-quality and fast solution of any ritual issues around the clock without intermediaries!


day and night


Lifetime contract

A legal document concluded between the customer and the service that provides funeral services in the event of the death of the customer or a third party in whose favor the agreement is concluded, is called a lifetime contract for the provision of funeral services.

The conclusion of a lifetime contract guarantees that the burial will take place at the proper level, and the financial costs and organizational aspects will not fall on the shoulders of the relatives of the deceased. Also, the design of the agreement is relevant for single people.
The conclusion of a lifetime contract is carried out on the passport of the person ordering the services and his / her proxy.

Advantages of entering into a lifetime contract

The advantages of a lifetime contract for funeral services include the following::
no extra charge even for price increases;
possibility of revision or termination.
the opportunity to take care of a decent funeral yourself, if there are no relatives.

A lifetime funeral service contract is a protection against fraudsters. In Kiev and the Kiev region, schemes for selling information about death are actively operating. These are cases when not an ambulance comes to the House of the deceased, but immediately a funeral agent who takes excessive money for organizing the funeral. A deal made during your lifetime helps you avoid this situation.

Conclusion of a lifetime contract in the "Charon" House of Funeral Services

If you want to take care of the funeral in advance, contact Charon Funeral Home
Our company offers a wide range of funeral services. Among them:
Agent's departure.
Organizational measures, holding a funeral ceremony for the deceased.
Registration of a death certificate and other documents that may be required for burial.
Preparing the body for burial.
Provision of ritual items.
Motor Transport and hearse services.
Cremation or burial of the deceased.
Rent a hall for a memorial ceremony, memorial service.
Other funeral services.

The cost of laying will depend on the number of funeral services and the selected accessories.
We guarantee the fulfillment of the customer's will and the final calculation of prices for services without further additional payment. Be sure that the burial will be performed at the proper level. Conclusion of a lifetime contract is carried out in our office or with the help of an agent who goes to the customer's home free of charge.

For more information, please call us at  +38 (098) 036-77-63  or ask on the website.
High-quality and fast solution of any ritual issues around the clock without intermediaries!   

'Charon' House of Ritual Services

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'Charon' House of Ritual Services

High-quality and fast solution of any ritual issues around the clock without intermediaries!


day and night


We approach each problem with three important elements: strategic thinking, creative decisions, proven results.